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It has been another busy year for Chinese President Xi Jinping. Important speeches he made in conferences, investigations and state visits set the tone for China's reform,development agenda and diplomacy. Let's have a look at some of the new terms he used in 2015 that have the most influence.
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Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, delivers an important speech at the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2015. (Photo/Xinhua) |
【热词】政治规矩 Political discipline and rules
Political discipline and rules exist to enable CPC cadres to defend the authority of the CPC Central Committee. Cadres must follow these rules, aligning themselves with the committee in deed and thought, at all times and in any situation.
【背景】2015年1月13日,在十八届中央纪委第五次全会上,习近平在讲话中提出了“政治规矩”一词,由此这一提法走进了公众视野并受到社会广泛关注。习近平在讲话中十余次提及“规矩”一词。他强调,党章(Party's Constitution)是全党必须遵循的总章程,也是总规矩。党的纪律是刚性约束,政治纪律更是全党在政治方向(political orientation)、政治立场(political stance)、政治言论(political views )、政治行动(political actions)方面必须遵守的刚性约束。国家法律是党员、干部必须遵守的规矩。党在长期实践中形成的优良传统和工作惯例也是重要的党内规矩。
【热词】乡土味道 Rural flavor
The new rural construction should conform to the reality and law of development in rural areas. The rural flavor and landscape should be retained, and the natural environment and local culture protected.
【背景】2015年1月19日至21日,习近平来到昭通、大理、昆明等地,看望鲁甸地震灾区干部群众,深入企业、工地、乡村考察,就灾后恢复重建和经济社会发展情况进行调研。20日上午,在大理白族自治州大理市湾桥镇古生村考察时,习近平强调,新农村建设一定要走符合农村实际的路子,遵循乡村自身发展规律(law of development),充分体现农村特点,注意乡土味道,保留乡村风貌,留得住青山绿水(green hills and clear waters),记得住乡愁。
【热词】四个全面 Four comprehensives
The strategy consists of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party discipline.
【背景】2014年12月,习近平在江苏调研考察期间首次将“四个全面”并提。2015年2月2日,习近平在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届四中全会(the Forth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee)精神全面推进依法治国(rule of law)专题研讨班开班仪式上集中论述了“四个全面”战略布局(comprehensive strategy)的逻辑关系。这是习近平首次在正式讲话场合集中阐述四者关系,宣示了“四个全面”已成为党中央治国理政的全新布局。
【热词】关键少数 Critical minority
We will seize the critical minority of top cadres to promote rule by law across the nation.
【背景】2015年2月2日,习近平在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届四中全会精神全面推进依法治国专题研讨班开班式上强调:“全面依法治国必须抓住领导干部这个‘关键少数’。”这是“关键少数”首次走进公众视线。“全面从严治党,关键是要抓住领导干部(Party's leaders and senior officials )这个‘关键少数’(the key few),坚持思想建党和制度治党紧密结合,全方位扎紧制度笼子,更多用制度治党、管权、治吏(managing officials)。”3月5日下午,习近平参加十二届全国人大三次会议上海代表团审议时再次提及“关键少数”。今年两会期间,“关键少数”是曝光率极高的新词之一。
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