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President Xi Jinping attends the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference and delivers keynote speech on the morning of December 16, 2015. (Photo/Xinhua) |
【热词】创新发展 Innovation-driven development
The implementation of innovation-driven development strategy requires us to give technological innovation in key fields a prominent position, and carry out important scientific projects that relate to overall long-term development of the country.
【背景】今年以来,习近平有诸多关于创新发展的表述。习近平在关于《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》的说明中,强调实施一批关系国家全局和长远的重大科技项目的重要性。2015年11月15日,习近平在二十国集团领导人第十次峰会第一阶段会议上的讲话中强调,世界经济长远发展的动力(driving force)源自创新(innovation)。总结历史经验,我们会发现,体制机制变革释放出的活力和创造力(the dynamism and creativity),科技进步造就的新产业和新产品,是历次重大危机(previous major crises)后世界经济走出困境(turning the corner)、实现复苏的根本。
【热词】把脉、开方 Take the pulse and make a prescription
Under the current situation, we need to first take the pulse of the world economic situation; once we better understand it, we need to make a prescription for how to promote global economic growth and employment.
【背景】2015年11月15日,习近平在二十国集团领导人第十次峰会(Group of 20 summit)第一阶段会议上进行了题为《创新增长路径 共享发展成果》(Innovative Growth That Benefits All )的发言。在发言中,他引用了中国古代先贤所说的“善治病者,必医其受病之处;善救弊者,必塞其起弊之原,”(To cure a disease, one should treat its root causes; to fix a problem, one should target its source)认为国际金融形势出现各种问题的深层次根源于传统经济体制和发展模式的潜能趋于消退及发展不平衡问题,“这就像一个人生了病,看起来是感冒发烧,但根子在身体机理出了问题”(Like a person who falls ill, running a fever may just be the symptoms, the root cause, however, lies with problems in the body system)。习近平以中医(traditional medicine)理论来解释世界经济形势,既深入浅出,又形象生动。
【热词】“四铁”干部 "Iron"officials
In order to build a prosperous society and realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, we must groom officials to be as strong as iron in their belief, faith, discipline and sense of responsibility.
【背景】12月11日至12日,全国党校工作会议在北京召开。习近平在讲话中首次提出了“四铁”干部这一标准。习近平指出,党校承担着为领导干部补钙壮骨、立根固本的重要任务,必须坚持党校姓党这个党校工作根本原则(fundamental principle),更加重视干部教育培训工作,切实做好新形势下党校工作。
【热词】网络空间命运共同体 A community of shared future in cyberspace
Cyberspace is the common space of mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all nations. Countries should step up communication, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation, to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace.
【背景】2015年12月16日,习近平出席第二届世界互联网大会开幕式并发表主旨演讲时提出并重点论述了“网络空间命运共同体”。习近平在去年致互联网大会的贺词中就已经提到命运共同体:“互联网真正让世界变成了地球村,让国际社会越来越成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体(a community of shared future))。”今年又重提并基于此提出“五个主张”以共同推动网络空间互联互通(connectivity)、共享共治,展现了中国国家治理者对全球互联网治理的主张。
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)
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