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3. 大众旅游时代
era of mass tourism
In the Government Work Report this year, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out the government will ensure people are able to take their paid vacations, improve the facilities at scenic spots and tourist sites and recreational vehicle parks, see that the tourist market operates in line with regulations and usher in a new era of mass tourism.
大众旅游(mass tourism),顾名思义,是指旅游消费人群的大众化、全民化,意味着全民旅游、全域旅游。这是我国国家领导人首次提出、并正式将旅游业发展阶段(the development level of tourism industry)的定性判断写入政府文件(government documents)中。
去年,我国国内旅游(domestic trips)突破40亿人次,旅游收入(overall revenues from tourism)超过4万亿元人民币。这说明,一个全民参与的大众旅游时代已经到来。
大众旅游不仅有利于我国旅游业的繁荣(conducive to the prosperity of China's tourism industry),还能推动经济发展(boost the economy)。中国国民赴境外旅游还能促进我国与其他国家的友好往来(promote friendly communication between China and the outside world)。
当前,我国旅游业面临巨大的机遇与挑战(face great opportunities and challenges)。人们需要更好的旅游产品(better tourism products),同时热门旅游景点(popular tourist attractions)应完善服务和管理(services and management)。此外,政府还应落实带薪休假(paid vacations),保证人们有充裕的时间旅游(ensure people have enough time to travel)。
景区景点 scenic spots and tourist sites
自驾车营地 recreational vehicle parks
旅游签证 tourist visa
森林旅游 forest tourism
旅游景点 tourist attraction
旅游警察 tourism police
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