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rap-style army recruitment video
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has released a rap-style recruitment video filled with masculine lyrics and advanced weaponry in an attempt to attract more young people to join the military.
据报道,这是解放军制作的首段嘻哈视频(it is the first hip-hop video made by the PLA)。在这段名为《战斗宣言》(Battle Declaration)的音乐视频(music video)中,为"杀!杀!杀!"等歌词(lyrics)伴奏的是极具节奏感的嘻哈音乐(hip-hop music)。视频开头是一名身穿军礼服的士兵,手上戴着洁白的手套,同时一个激昂的声音(impassioned voice)朗诵道:"脑子里永远有任务,眼睛里永远有敌人、肩膀上永远有责任,胸膛里永远有激情" (there are always missions in soldiers' minds, enemies in their eyes, responsibilities on their shoulders, and passions in their hearts)……战争随时爆发,你们准备好了吗?"(wars can break out at any time. Are you ready?)
视频中还展现了各式军事活动(military activities),包括士兵的训练和演习活动(training and exercising)、战斗机进行空战(fighter jets conduct dogfights)、发射导弹(fire missiles)等。解放军各种尖端装备也悉数亮相(PLA's best weaponry is displayed),其中包括航母辽宁舰(the aircraft carrier Liaoning)、歼-11战斗机(J-11 fighter jet)、99A坦克(Type-99A tank)、东风-11弹道导弹(DF-11 ballistic missile)。
自该视频4月28日发布以来,已在微博上获得近10万条评论(rack up nearly 100,000 comments on Weibo)。网民纷纷为此视频点赞,许多人表示,中国是时候该发布这种血性十足的视频了(many say it is about time China projected this sort of power and vigor)。有网民评论,"这才是强国范儿,我喜欢!"(this is the style of a great power. I like it!)
征兵制度 conscription
军事演习 military drill
空战 dogfight
民兵 militia (总称)/militiaman
(个体) 空降兵 airborne force
军队改革 military reform
说唱 rapping
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