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2. 取消农业户口
cancel rural hukou
Beijing will no longer distinguish between urban and rural residents, but establish a unified household registration system, according to a guideline released by the city government on Monday. One of the most important issues of public concern is whether the cancellation of rural hukou means rural residents have to give up their rights to homestead and farms.
《北京市人民政府关于进一步推进户籍制度改革(further reform of the household registration system)的实施意见》近日公布。根据意见,北京市将取消自上世纪50年代开始实施的区分城市居民和农村居民的二元户籍制度(put an end to the dual-household registration system, which has categorized people into urban or rural residents since the 1950s),统一登记为居民户口,所有北京居民将享受同等的教育、医疗、就业、社保和住房等社会福利(social welfare including education, health, employment, social security and housing will be equal for all Beijing residents)。目前,我国大陆31个省份均已出台户籍制度改革意见。改革意见中,各地普遍取消农业与非农业户口性质区分,部分地区放宽落户条件(relax restrictions on settlement)。
我国自1958年开始划分农业户口和非农业户口,由此带来社会权益和保障(social rights and social insurance)的不同。据北京大学社会学系教授陆杰华介绍,农业户口的权益主要是责任田(responsibility farmland)和宅基地(homestead),而非农业户口的权益主要体现在教育、医疗、就业、保险、住房等方面。取消农业户口是否会影响到农民的既有权益(accrued/existing rights)?农村问题研究专家、哈尔滨工业大学管理学院副教授林亦府指出,此次户籍制度改革不是"农改非",而是全面取消农民的农业户口身份,不会影响附着在农村居民背后的集体土地(collectively owned land)承包权(contract rights)、农村宅基地使用权(the right to use rural homestead)、农村集体经济(rural collective economy)分配权(distribution rights)。
专家称,统一身份仅仅是个标志,户籍改革能否取得成效的关键在于各项配套政策(supporting policies)的跟进与落实,消除依附在户口性质上的医疗、就业、住房保障等方面的差别待遇(differentiated treatment),逐步实现基本公共服务对农村的全覆盖(full coverage of basic public services in rural areas)。随着各地落户门槛的降低,城乡居民社会保障的并轨(social insurance system unification),未来全国居民有望享受平等的身份和待遇。
户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
积分落户制度 points system for/merit-based household registration system
农村土地流转 rural land transfer
常住人口 permanent population
流动人口 mobile population
城市/城镇化 urbanization
农民工 migrant worker
社会差距 social disparity
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