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5. 准生证明
birth permission certificate
Chinese couples no longer have to get birth permission certificates before they want in vitro fertilization. In most regions of the country, the permission is part of a family planning service certificate which will be checked in a series of procedures: pregnancy test, child delivery, maternity insurance application, etc.
为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于实施全面两孩政策(universal two-child policy)改革完善计划生育服务(family planning service)管理的决定》和《国务院办公厅(the general office of the State Council)关于简化优化公共服务流程(simplify and improve public service procedures)方便基层群众办事创业(make it easier for people at the grassroots level to get things done and start up businesses)的通知》精神,本着减少环节,精简办事程序、方便群众的原则,国家卫计委决定简化人类辅助生殖技术(human assisted reproductive technology)治疗时准生证明(birth permission certificate)查验程序。一、经批准开展人类辅助生殖技术的医疗机构(medical institutions)在实施人类辅助生殖技术治疗时,不再查验患者夫妇的生育证明,由患者夫妇作出符合计划生育政策的书面承诺(a written commitment to the family planning policy)即可。二、各级卫生计生行政部门(health and family planning administrative departments at all levels)要加强事中事后监管,依法依规查处政策外多孩生育(investigate and punish childbearing which breaches the universal two-child policy),维护正常生育秩序。
患者夫妻双方如果想做试管婴儿,要求必须出示的证件(required documents that must be presented)包括身份证(ID card)、结婚证(marriage certificate),并在承诺书上签字,无需办理准生证。准生证是有关部门控制人口的一项举措(a way for the authorities to control the population),是夫妇可以合法生育(couples are allowed to have children legally)的证明。申请准生证的程序非常繁琐(applying for the permission can be a very cumbersome procedure),尤其是对于不在家乡居住、工作的夫妇来说,家乡通常是他们的户籍所在地(especially for couples not living and working in their hometowns where they are usually the registered as permanent residents)。
生育登记服务制度 birth registration service system
试管婴儿 test-tube baby
备孕 plan for pregnancy
自然怀孕 natural pregnancy
准妈妈 expectant mother
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