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4. 亚洲高校排名
Asia University Rankings
Chinese universities are ranked second and third in the latest Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings, which was published on Thursday. Peking University took second for the second year running, while Tsinghua University climbed two places to third.
《泰晤士高等教育》往年都在6月发布亚洲大学排名,今年提前一季度公布。排名综合考虑了教学(teaching)、研究(research)、论文引用(paper citation)、国际表现(international outlook)等绩效指标。本次排名的入围高校数量由去年的200所增至300所(the rankings have been expanded to include 300 universities, up from 200 institutions last year),这意味着有更多亚洲国家有潜力跟上(have the potential to follow in the footsteps of)中国、新加坡、日本、韩国等亚洲高等教育强国(Asian higher education powerhouses)的步伐。
新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)连续两年(for two consecutive years)蝉联亚洲高校排名榜首。新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)居第4,香港大学(University of Hong Kong)排名第5。整体来看,日本是入围高校数量最多的国家,共有69所高校榜上有名(overall, the most-represented nation in the rankings is Japan, with 69 institutions)。中国内地高校成绩瞩目,共54所内地高校入围,其中,中国科学技术大学位列第15,复旦大学位列第16,上海交通大学位列第18,浙江大学位列第19。
学科实力 subject strength
高校扩招 the expansion of college enrollment
名牌大学 prestigious university
野鸡大学 diploma mill, bogus college
争抢优质生源 battle for top students, poaching of talented students
学术不端 academic misconduct
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