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3. 偷盗婴幼儿
infant stealing
In a new judicial interpretation released by the Supreme People's Court on Thursday, acts that involve the abduction of infants or children under the age of 6 through luring them away from their parent or guardian, such as tricking them with toys or coaxing them to play outside, will be defined as "infant stealing".
《最高人民法院关于审理拐卖妇女儿童犯罪案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》中明确规定,对婴幼儿采取欺骗、利诱等手段使其脱离监护人或者看护人的,视为刑法第二百四十条第一款第(六)项规定的"偷盗婴幼儿(infant stealing)"。该司法解释(judicial interpretation)将于明年1月1日起施行。
我国刑法第二百四十条规定,拐卖妇女、儿童的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑(those convicted of female or child trafficking should be sentenced to imprisonment of no less than five years and no greater than 10 years),并处罚金;以出卖为目的,偷盗婴幼儿的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑(life imprisonment),并处罚金或者没收财产(confiscation of property);情节特别严重的,处死刑(death penalty, capital punishment),并处没收财产。
最高法刑一庭负责人表示,司法实践中,趁监护人(guardian)、看护人(caregiver/carer)不注意,将熟睡中的婴幼儿抱走,属于通常所理解的"偷盗婴幼儿",但这种案件较少。更常见、多发的案件是利用父母等监护人或者看护人的疏忽,以给付婴幼儿玩具、外出游玩等哄骗手段将婴幼儿拐走。对该种情形是否属于"偷盗婴幼儿",实践中存在争议。这份司法解释将其界定为"偷盗婴幼儿",有利于从严惩治拐卖儿童(child trafficking)犯罪。司法解释同时规定,医疗机构(medical institution)、福利机构(welfare organization)等单位的工作人员以非法获利为目的,将所诊疗、护理、抚养的儿童出卖给他人的,以拐卖儿童罪论处。
收买被拐妇女儿童 buy abducted women or children
虐待儿童 child abuse
乞讨儿童 child beggar
贩卖人口 human trafficking
刑事责任 criminal liability
从轻处罚 impose a lenient sentence
重罪 felony
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