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张明权 |
Outbreak of city diseases pummels China
In such megapolises as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen in China, dwellers have been suffering from nagging issues of traffic jam, environmental pollution, kindergarten shortage, and insufficient medical services.
All these problems vie for a simple name called "city diseases", which embrace all social problems resulting from people pouring into large cities.
In the most prosperous and resourceful cities in China above mentioned, residents seem to be reduced to a life of lesser comfort. As their life quality is emaciated by urban diseases, some even infer that China has stepped into an epidemic period.
为了吸引眼球,新闻标题中宜用隐喻,从认知语言学的角度讲,隐喻是人类的一种认知方式,隐喻有“死的隐喻”和“活的隐喻”,那些语言使用者习以为常的死的隐喻并不能吸引读者,只有创新的活的隐喻才能吸引读者的眼球。在本译题的标题翻译中,把“爆发”翻译成outbreak或explosion使用了隐喻,但这些隐喻已不能给读者“陌生感”,因此笔者综合考虑,把标题翻译成了Outbreak of city diseases pummels China,pummel一词的使用强调城市病的持续发酵。“城市病”本身也是一个比喻,所以在结尾处,笔者用epidemic period来翻译“爆发期”,对于同一个词语的翻译,标题和内文的处理不一样也属正常。本译题中可以使用形象隐喻来翻译的词语还有“困扰”等,有网友选择pester, nag等词来对译也较形象。考虑到对疾病隐喻的连续使用,笔者在翻译时保留了suffer from这个短语的使用。
“入托难,就医难”中的“难”字在翻译时要注意避免重复,重复不是不可以,主要是这里的四个问题,仅有两个“难”字,尚不能构成排比,也无法全部合并处理,所以笔者分别对待,翻译成了kindergarten shortage, and insufficient medical services。有的网友翻译的比较繁琐,比如difficulties for children to go to nurseries, and difficulties for receiving medical treatment,这也触及到了中国式英语的问题,在点评的末尾,会专门讨论这个问题。
“不尽如人意的表现”是指上文提到的困扰城市居民的问题,这里汉语采取了避免重复的手段,但在汉译英时,考虑到跨越了段落,按英语衔接的要求,使用problems来翻译衔接会更加紧密。“不尽如人意的表现”就是不好的表现,直译成英语可以是ill performance, under-performance,但给人的感觉总是和上文衔接不上。
第三段中的“原本”二字极易造成误解,这些大城市原本是、现在依然是中国经济最发达、资源最集中的地方,那为什么要用“原本”呢?原来汉语这样说是为了表示转折,因此把“原本”翻译成originally就错了,正确的翻译时舍弃这个词,或者用让步状语从句来翻译,为了避免繁复,笔者选择了介词短语in the most prosperous and resourceful cities in China mentioned above。
British press told of royal family's concern over another Diana tragedy
The world media is currently spotlighting on Prince William's engagement to girlfriend Kate Middleton. Inside dope reveals that since their engagement Kate has been worried that while she can not feel up to being a princess, Prince William might rekindle a flame for his ex, Jessica Craig, only to repeat the mistake of his father Charles. Members from BRF have expressing concern over Kate's potential depression—in the same way Princess Diana acted and wound up her marriage. On account of this, the royalty has entrusted a psychologist with counseling Kate.
“悲剧重演”是another Diana tragedy,不是another Diana's tragedy,差别在于前者表示戴安娜式的悲剧,后者容易误解为戴安娜的悲剧,当然这里主要反映了现代英语多用名词定语的趋势,另外具体问题具体分析,遵循习惯同样重要。
“全球媒体关注的焦点”这里翻译的时候,网友多用名词,比如the focus of the world medias, the spotlight of global medias等,实际上用动词可能更好的强调全球媒体争相报道这一消息的情况。
“内幕人士”可以是insider或informant,也可以用inside dope(内幕消息)代指。 “无法胜任王妃这一重大职责”这句有网友翻译时使用了feel up to这一非正式用语,很好的活跃了翻译风格,不过这里to是介词,后接动名词而不是不定式。
因为涉及王室的事情,“重蹈覆辙”这样的话在翻译时最好说得婉转一点,因为英国人说话相对比较委婉,比如网友erinpark翻译成William would eventually follow his father Prince Charles'(s) footstep and take a mistress,内容交代的更清楚了,但估计会招致一部分英国读者的反感。
“心理疏导”算专业术语了,通常翻译成psychological counseling. 这里也可以变通处理,还是网友erinpark的翻译,counseling for Kate to help her ease into her upcoming royal life,这里的解释性翻译很好。
"Geili" certified by mainstream, shall cyber language be used "regularly"?
Both newbies and net potatoes in China are intoxicated by adoption of the cyber word "geili (pinyin of two Chinese characters in which gei means "to give" and li "support", "power" or "force", translated by China's internet users into English as "gelivable")" in the news that makes headlines of People's Daily. It is celebrated in the cyber world as a biggie that symbolizes the approval of cyber language by print press. Some netizens wonder if the "given force" from newspapers will bring more cyber words into "formal" use.
It is jested that "ungelivable" has become by far the fastest spread English word. "Geili", which originally means "very good" or "wonderful", is likely derived from Cantonese or Minnan Dialect in China. Now the word is used to say "cool", "inspiring" or "forceful".
“给力”这个汉语词汇已经被网友“翻译”成了gelivable,但标题的翻译中最好使用拼音,因为这里讲的主要是中国主流媒体对“给力”一词的接受,尽管后面也提到了它的英译问题,标题中只给出拼音,而补注可以留待下文处理,对于借入英语的汉语词汇,除非已经得到正式认可的以外,附加解释是必要的,通常的方式是给出汉语拼音、单个汉字的意思以及词语的整体意思。“Gelivable”在英语中,还不能算一个严格意义上的汉语借词,因为这种混杂了两种语言成分的构词要真正得到英语母语使用者的接受,还是需要时间的。另外“转正”一词笔者在标题和文内分别翻译成be used “regularly”和bring cyber words into "formal" usage,一方面翻译要灵活把握,另一方面就是避免重复。
“‘给力’一词登上《人民日报》头版头条”这里不能直接翻译成the word "geili" makes the headlines of The People's Daily,因为这里说的不是“给力”成为头版头条新闻的内容,而是这个词碰巧用在了头版头条的新闻中,翻译时一定要交代清楚这一点。
“无论是刚刚走入网络江湖的菜鸟,还是已经在网络上混迹多年的网虫”可以采取省译的方式,因为英语newbies and net potatoes这样的词语形象丰富,本身已经包含足够多的信息,我们看一个直接译出的例子:No matter the newbie who just enters the internet world or the net potato who muddle there for many years,给人的感觉太罗嗦。
最后谈一谈“中国英语”问题,实际上我们平时提到的“中国英语”包含多种含义,但主要区别为“中国英语”和“中国式英语”,前者一般是被英语语言接受的一种变体,而后者则往往是需要纠正的语言错误,而ungelivable这个词,虽然在中国的网络流行开来,但由于采用英汉夹杂的构词方式,要进入英语主流媒体尚待时日。在urbandictionary网站,有几个实际应用的例子,例如:WTF? Chinese soccer team lost again? against Japan? 0:8? That's too ungelivable!!!
借此机会,笔者想指出一些受汉语影响的翻译错误(均选自第3篇译文),比如:inquired that the newspaper's forcefulness to surge the use of web terms officially,从句中缺少谓语动词,surge做及物动词使用;netters who are living on the net many years,谁人可以真的生活在网上呢?a question that whether "gelivable" in the newspaper can become an engine to make internet slang regular,复用that和whether做引导词;might has its origin,笔误?exceptional excited about the word "gelivable",词性错误。点评栏目开办快有一年时间了,各位网友积极参与,笔者孜孜以求给出正确的译文和到位的评价,但此前对错误的指正往往不够,此次指出这些错误的目的是想说一个道理,翻译实践中对错误的容忍度是很低的,不要说出版社编辑的火眼金睛,就连翻译公司对自由译者的要求也很苛刻,一份稿件要做好,首先不能犯低级错误,中国英语正是这些不高不低的错误的根源之一,希望各位有错误的译者下次翻译时引以为戒。
张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:张明权 中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)