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张明权 |
Clashes between QQ and 360 emaciate the interest of subscribers
Clashes between Tencent QQ and Qihoo 360 in China are, overtly or covertly, hampering the interest of users at large, for neither of the two companies is a respecter of customers. What’s worse, subscribers are reduced to initiators and objects of slurs and denigration. Owing to the fierce contention substantialised as reviling and undermining each other, users put in a dilemma are now denied the services available to them of running both applications at one computer. Whether one company laughs the last or two smile at each other in the end, a common user will laugh out of the other side of his mouth.
在上面的文字中,使用了隐喻和四字格成语,这往往也成为译者关注的焦点,“水上客”的译文顺着原文的文脉,采用直译和意译结合的方式处理原文的意象,比如把“明枪暗箭”翻译成overt and covert attacks,“口诛笔伐的棋子和依据”翻译成tools and proofs in the course of denouncing each other by tongue and pen,“恩仇继续”翻译成,continues revenge,“相逢一笑”翻译成make peace,“哭笑不得”翻译成in a distressing situation,反映了译者追求“零度翻译”的理想,这往往也是大多数译者第一选择的翻译策略。然而,翻译偏离又是在所难免的,这也是翻译理论界关注的一个问题,有人不断地和翻译偏离做斗争,有人则视偏离为常态,常常能出其不意的“择其善者而从之”,并借助补偿措施,译出好的文字。
我们继续就上述要点以及“混战”、“腹背受敌”、“火药味”等几个地方进行分析。首先,“混战”众多网友翻译成dogfight,然而选择这样一个贬义词来描述两家互联网公司的争斗毕竟有些不妥,倒是sunariose使用的catfight和“蓝咪咪”的battle royal更加妥当。“棋子”一词有网友直译为chess,这是个错误,“棋子”是chessmen,有人写过这样的句子:they used live chessmen who fight for live princesses. 这里可以看出chessmen倒是一个可以被英语接受的隐喻意象。回到“口诛笔伐”一词,“水上客”的直译策略并未得到其他网友的呼应,jasmine-I大大简化了原文,翻译出了:Worse still, they became the stake。至于“腹背受敌”,yieqing直译为contained back and belly,不过在英语中back and belly作为习语的隐喻意义是“衣食”。至于“火药味”,“蓝咪咪”的翻译amidst such intensive and explosive situation试图借助语义双关来保留原文意象,也是很好的一种尝试。
A Glimpse of the First Slow City in China
To the Chinese people who have been “marching” rapidly in the past 30 years, would a “slow city” sound like a utopia?
In November this year Yaxi Town was given the title of “slow town” by the Cittaslow International. Located in Gaochun County, Jiangsu Province in East China’s coastal area, it used to be a small town never known to the outside world. The news spreads quickly on the internet—the abrupt advent of an “international slow town”, like a U-turn on the freeway, sure awakens the Chinese people long abandoned to the “forced march” and suffering from “city diseases”.
这里首先需要明确一个专名和两个术语的翻译,分别是“慢城”、“城市病”以及“国际慢城组织”。“慢城”翻译成slow city (town)都可以,可以交叉使用。“城市病”的翻译有一些争议,在网上能找到的翻译有city (urban) disease, urban dilemmas, city (urban) syndrome等,这些翻译似乎都没什么问题。英国经济在20世纪曾饱受British disease(英国病)之苦,另外有一首英文歌曲名为:city syndrome,这些可以给我们确定译文一些帮助。“国际慢城组织”的英语译名在网上可以查到:Cittaslow International。
“急行军”是一个比喻,在文中两次出现,基本上对应着英语的forced march,根据英语篇章的写作要求,在两个地方的处理略有不同。“号称中国首个‘国际慢城’的横空出现,宛如高速公路上的一个掉头标志般。”这句话翻译起来有些困难,特别是“横空出现”一词,颇得汉语喜欢夸张之真传,在翻译的时候可以play down(放低身段)一点没关系,所以笔者翻译成了abrupt advent,“宛如高速公路上的一个掉头标志般”直译成like a U-turn on the freeway,需要后面的动词给与配合,笔者把开始用来翻译“震撼和瞩目”的动词(使用了转类的翻译技巧)astounds and fascinates换成了awakens,这样前后才协调,这也是翻译偏离的一个重要表现,但同时这种局部偏离在整体上是得到补偿的,体现了其中的辩证关系。
When the year comes to an end, white collars take to “wild” stress relief toys
When you fling an unbreakable “bulb” again and again to the ground, you are somewhat relieved from grudges; a sticker on the table saying “work drives me drowsy” unexpectedly refreshes you from tiredness…when finally confronted with the year’s goals and checks, white collars turn to interesting stress relief toys to get relaxation and refreshment.
Pressures come, especially at the end of a year, to a climax to the mentally hassled white collars facing fierce competition at work, says a professional training expert. After all, “mild” bookmarks, “wild” toys, etc. are available for a catharsis and relief of pressure at this critical moment. However, it is suggested that they not be used in a public place.
本文在叙述上是针对“白领”的第三人称叙事,但根据我们对此类英语文字的认识,泛指代you或者we也是经常用到的代词,用you代替one可以拉近与读者的距离。在本文的翻译中,一些细节问题很有意思,比如“豪放派”与“温和”的对立与对称,英语刚好有mild和wild这样两个谐音(assonance)的单词可用。“印着”(或者“写着”)通常可以翻译成拟人的say一词,“悄悄”这个词的意思在笔者的翻译中转移到了后面的unexpectedly这个词上,这也可以算翻译偏离的一个例证,所以偏离不是错误,是一种技巧。对于“各类”这样的词汇,如果没有特殊需要的话,翻译成英语时可以使其语义融入名词的复数形式中。在“职业专家”一词的翻译上,问题不是翻译成professional (training) expert,还是翻译成career expert,而是用单数还是复数的问题,在英语新闻中,引用某人的观点,需要具体说出这个被采访的对象,所以我觉得这里用单数比较好,否则真是总说纷纭了。最后一句,“使用这类‘解压商品’一定要注意场合,尽可能避免办公场所。”包含了相互重复的内容,翻译时可以省去。我们看一个网友的翻译:Please keep them away from public, and use them in proper places de rigueur. 从实际情况来看,只要不是公共场合,就是私人场所,所以合不合适的标准就是在不在公共场合使用。
英译汉 真的译成汉语了吗?
张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:张明权 中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)