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Tourists on Phuket Island, Thailand, enjoy unspoiled scenery. Provided to China Daily |
freelance tour guide
The freelance tour guide pilot program is part of a comprehensive reform of the country's tour guide system that will tap more job opportunities for tour guides and create a fair and orderly tourism market.
国家旅游局(the National Tourism Administration)近日下发"关于开展导游自由执业试点工作的通知",决定从今年5月起正式启动在上海等9个省市的导游自由执业试点工作(a freelance tour guide pilot program)。
此次开展的9个省市试点工作将分为线上、线下两种类型,自由执业导游(freelance tour guides)可通过在线平台和线下机构(via online platforms and offline agencies)出售他们的服务,消费者将来可通过第三方支付平台(a third-party payment platform)来支付导游服务费。江浙沪三省市、广东省将执行线上导游自由执业试点工作(online freelance tour guide pilot program),吉林长白山、湖南长沙和张家界、广西桂林、海南三亚、四川成都将执行线上线下导游自由执业试点工作。
根据通知,自由执业的导游必须与合法的机构签订合同(sign contracts with legal agencies),不得绕过网络预约平台或线下自由执业业务机构(be forbidden to bypass online booking platforms or relevant offline agencies),自行开展自由执业业务(offer services directly to tourists)。违规导游将被处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款(be fined between RMB1,000 and RMB10,000),并暂扣或者吊销导游证(license suspended or revoked)。
国家旅游局将在5月底前首次搭建完成全国统一的"全国导游公共服务监管平台"(national tour guide supervision platform),并制定平台相关接入标准,提供自由执业导游身份认证(freelance tour guide certification),公布提供导游自由执业业务的机构名单(list of agencies that offer freelance tour guide services),收集汇总导游执业和游客评价信息。
强行推销 hard selling
景区 scenic area
服务营地 service camp
游客服务中心 tourists center
星级卫生公厕 star-rated public restroom
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