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Supporters applaud as suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (C) addresses the audience after the Brazilian Senate voted to impeach her for breaking budget laws, at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, May 12, 2016. [Photo/Agencies] |
impeachment trial
The Brazilian Senate Thursday gave the go-ahead to the impeachment trial by 55-22 after over 20 hours of heated discussion.
弹劾(impeachment)指政府高级官员或法官因为违法行为(unlawful activity)而受到刑事追诉的一种程序,其动词形式为impeach。在投票前,巴西参议院于11日进行了议员发言。由于有权发言的议员每人有15分钟时间阐述自己对弹劾提案的立场与想法(deliver 15-minute speeches for or against the impeachment),整个发言过程长达20多个小时,直到12日凌晨结束,随后参议院进行了全体投票。
按照巴西法律,罗塞夫最多将被停职180天(be suspended for up to 180 days),副总统特梅尔将接任巴西临时总统(temporarily assume the presidency)。如果最终参议院以2/3多数通过弹劾决议(a two-thirds majority in the Senate vote in favor of the impeachment resolution),罗塞夫将被罢免总统职务(face permanent removal from office),未来8年不能再竞选公职(be barred from standing for office for eight years),而特梅尔将正式就任巴西总统至2018年底。反之,罗塞夫将被恢复总统职务(be reinstated as president)。
12日上午,罗塞夫在全国电视讲话中称,自己可能犯了错误(may have made mistakes),但没有犯罪(do not commit any crime)。自2011年罗塞夫就任总统以来,巴西遭遇上世纪30年代以来最严重的经济衰退(worst recession),巴西国家石油公司因其庞大的回扣计划(vast kickback scheme)而受到2年的调查,这些都导致罗塞夫的支持率一落千丈(crush her popularity)。
临时政府 provisional/interim government
政治派别 political faction
执政党 ruling party
政变 coup
流放 exile/banish
罢黜 ouster
降职 demote
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