Agree to disagree?
Agree是同意,disagree是不同意,那agree to disagree同不同意?这个表达到底该如何使用呢?
Curve ball?
Rude awakening?
The unspecified explosion could be, say, a bomb that went off in the middle of the night or, say, a volcano coming alive. Whatever, it came as a surprise, and it was an unpleasant surprise at that.
Pie in the sky?
pie in the sky的意思是“something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen”,即“渺茫的希望,空口的许诺,不大可能实现的计划”。
Egg on my face
egg on my face不是“脸上有鸡蛋”,其实老外是想表达处境很尴尬,让你难堪。它的中文释义是:因失败或失礼而引起的尴尬,可以理解为“丢脸 自讨没趣”。
Beginner’s luck?
Beginner's luck指的是初出茅庐者遇到的好运气。
It blew his mind? 大吃一惊
当我们得知一些难以接受的事情时,就会blow your mind,即“使人震惊”或“令人感到十分惊愕或意外”。
Piece of cake? 小菜一碟?
piece of cake意思是小菜一碟,用来形容非常容易的事。如果说做一件事就像 a piece of cake, 意思就是易如反掌,小菜一碟。
Carry a chip? 以挑衅的态度出现
carry a chip on one’s shoulder 指的是性急,爱发脾气,以挑衅的态度出现。
First world complaint? 第一世界的抱怨
First world complaint指的是对“第一世界问题”的抱怨,第一世界问题指的是无足轻重的问题。
Chin up 别灰心
Keep one's chin up意思是别灰心,保持斗志。
She acquitted herself very well? 全身而退
To acquit oneself well意思是全身而退。
Go your way? 如你所愿
Things go one's way意思是事情的发展如人所愿。
Father figure? 父亲般的人物
Father figure指的是父亲般的人物。
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