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salary/wage for student interns
The salary for student interns from vocational schools should be no less than 80% of the probationary wage for regular employees in the same position, said a regulation jointly released by five government departments, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. 教育部、人社部等五部门联合发布的规定提出,职业学校实习学生的工资不得低于相同岗位正式员工试用期工资标准的80%。
《职业学校学生实习管理规定》(规定)对实习协议(internship agreement)、实习报酬(internship pay)、禁止事项等做了强调和细化,对实习学生的权益(rights and interests of student interns)保护提出了明确要求。
规定明确了"无协议不实习",学生参加实习前,职业学校、实习单位、学生三方须签订实习协议(vocational schools, employers hiring interns and students must sign a tripartite agreement before the internship)。针对近年来屡屡爆出的"实习生成为廉价劳动力(cheap labor)"现象,规定首次提出顶岗实习学生的报酬底线(the minimum wage)——不低于同岗位试用期工资(probationary wage)标准的80%。
规定指出,在具体岗位顶岗实习的学生人数不高于同类岗位在岗职工总人数的20%(Student interns should account for no more than 20% of total employees in the same position in a company)。规定严禁安排学生到酒吧、夜总会、歌厅、洗浴中心(bath center)等营业性娱乐场所(entertainment venue)实习。
规定还要求,职业学校和实习单位不得向学生收取实习押金(charge internship deposit)、顶岗实习报酬提成(salary commissions)、管理费(management fees)或者其他任何形式的实习费用(internship fees of any kind)。
临时工 temp/temporary worker
兼职工 part-timer/part-time worker
全职工 full-timer/full-time worker
合同工 contract worker
失业 unemployment
试用期 probation/probationary period
工作量 workload
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