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4. 增值税
value-added tax (VAT)
请看例句: Starting from May 1, the replacement of business tax with value-added tax (VAT) will be extended to construction, real estate, finance and consumer services, said a joint statement from the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. Second-hand housing transactions will require paying value-added tax, instead of business tax. 财政部和国家税务总局近日共同发布通知,营改增试点5月1日起扩大至建筑、房地产、金融和消费行业。二手房交易将由缴纳营业税改为缴纳增值税。
通知称,北上广深之外的城市,个人将购买不足2年的住房对外销售的(sell a second-hand house which was bought less than two years ago),按照5%的征收率全额缴纳增值税(pay value-added tax at a rate of 5%);个人将购买2年以上的住房对外销售的,免征增值税(enjoy value-added tax exemption)。
增值税的主要特点是以销项税(output tax)减去进项税(input tax),让纳税人只为产品和服务的增值部分纳税;而营业税(business tax, sales tax)则通常按照营业收入(business revenue)总额和适用税率直接征税,不能减除进项税额。营业税改征增值税,即"营改增(the replacement of business tax with value-added tax)"的减税原理,在于取消了重复征税(duplicated taxation)。全面实施营改增,顺应了供给侧结构性改革(supply-side reform)的减税(tax cut)需求。
财政改革 fiscal reform
结构性减税 structural tax reduction
改革试点行业 pilot sectors
税收负担 tax burden
税级 tax brackets
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