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张明权 |
"Seckilling" traps as professionals mess up the market
"Seckill" sales heated up on the internet recently. "Seckilling" advertisements pop out counting down time by the second immediately you open the webpage of a shopping website. In order to secure the commodity at a price lower than ever, tens of thousands of netizens sit before the computer screen keeping on refreshing the webpage…Controversy on the merits and demrits of "seckilling" comes to no compromise at all. However, average netizens are now befuddled in their bidding for seckilled products by "professional seckillers" using an "automatic seckilling application", according to Zhao Ying (alias), an insider of the trade.
Experts warn that "seckilling" as a new marketing model that lacks in an information sharing mechanism will have a negative impact on the whole e-commerce industry if it continues to operate without the supervision of a third party for long. They call on the government departments concerned to pay attention to this phenomenon.
在前面数期的翻译点评中,我都用过“变通”这个词,变通是翻译中的常见方法,偶然也有论者把“变通翻译”说成是一种理论。实际上,翻译本身就是从一种语言变成另一种语言,无论是“信”还是“达”,都离不开变,然而一般来说,我们可以把“变通”看成是在实践“达”这一原则的过程中,对目的语语言的创造性使用、解释和顺应。“变通”本身的英语翻译多种多样,包括flexible treatment, adaptation, explanation等,这也反映了在此方面的不同见解。
1)“职业秒客”中的秒客,在中国日报网站的一篇文章中采用了音译处理miaoke,但考虑到汉语普通名词的音译在英语中的接受程度不高,在翻译时可以尽量避免。“职业秒客”因此可以翻译成professional seckillers或professionals。
2)“飞速跳跃”一词是指倒计时器(countdown timer)的计时方式,倒计时本身就给人一种紧张的感觉,这样的副词限定在英译时可以省略,我们在前面谈过这个问题,英汉语言存在风格的差异,汉语尚虚饰的问题在翻译时可以适当变通处理。网友有直译的,the number on the countdown clock (unit: second) leaping rapidly,给人的感觉比较冗余。
3)“刷屏”是一个专业术语,但目前产生了两种不同类型的刷屏,一种是简单的刷新网页,英语是refresh(或reload) the page,另一种则是网络聊天时比较喜欢用的恶意刷屏,翻译成英语是flood the screen。在这里应该是指第一类刷屏。
"Microblog power" of the Chinese citizens revealed in joint efforts to fight child-trafficking
With a mobile phone in hand, an average citizen is able to take a snapshot of anything anywhere at any moment and then upload it onto the internet. This simple act exhibits great power when it is directed at the headache issue of tracking child-trafficking. A myriad of photos published via the microblog provide clues for the police who will bring hopes to families of missing children.
The 140-character microblog, channeled under the slogan of "taking, tweeting, and testifying", has become so powerful when so many citizens joined in. According to a netizen styled as "Monkey Seesee", who himself participates in the microblog child abduction tracking, "Nothing is done until you do it."
语言中的经济原则使语言形式经常省略,微博中的“微”在汉语中成了一个新的构词组件,比如本译题标题中的“微力量”,考虑到英语并无适当的缩略方式,所以翻译成microblog power是正确的,这里当然带有解释的因素在内,也可以说是一种解释性变通。“街道随拍”是随着手机拍照功能升级而产生的一种拍照行为,而且随着手机上网的普及,“街道随拍”和微博结合,产生了今天的“微薄打拐行动”。在英语中并没有专门的术语来指代“街道随拍”(也许是我没有发现),不过我觉得snapshot比photo更能反映这种拍照方式。“围观即参与,转发即表态,求证见真相”是一种口号,这里的翻译必须考虑英语和汉语的差别,汉语的口号包含三个短句,英语如果也用三个短句的话,很难不给人啰嗦的感觉,所以我用了三个动名词:“taking, tweeting, and testifying”,这里我省去对其内容的翻译解释,如果是在一整篇文章中,我们也可以通过上下文把所需的信息补充完整,这可以算翻译变通在篇章层次上的实践。
Young white collars in China panicked by the "forced marriage" at the Spring Festival
"Pitiful are our parents keen on marrying us; /More pitiful are we panicked by the 'forced marriage' at each festival." When they are back to work after the Spring Festival, quite a lot of white collars highlight this couplet in their screen name. To the young urban white collars seized by the panic of "being forced into marriage", the Spring Festival has turned into the "Spring Suffering". That explains why some are so afraid of going home. According to sociologists and emotion experts, the "forced marriage" reflects the different attitudes towards marriage between parents and children and the evolution of marriage concept in contemporary Chinese society.
这段文字开头的两句诗很难翻译,“可怜天下父母心,每逢佳节被逼婚。”其中涉及两个主语,父母可怜,儿女被逼婚(更可怜)。汉语的“意合”结构如果简单直译,很容易给人不连贯的感觉,所以我在翻译时添加了一些词。“Pitiful are our parents keen on marrying us; /More pitiful are we panicked by the “forced marriage” at each festival.”虽然说是诗歌,但又不是严格意义的诗歌,所以在押韵上也不必讲究。下文把它们称为couplet不是对该词严格意义上的使用,因为这里没有押韵,英译以后在字数上也不相等。诗歌翻译是最难的,参与这段文字翻译的网友很少,这两句诗可能也是拦路虎之一。“签名档”这个词到底对应着英语中的什么词,也颇费了一番心思,网友使用了signature和exclamation。我通过网络检索,最后选择了screen name,但我不是100%的有把握,如果错了,请指出。从“春节”到“春劫”在汉语中是谐音,要在英语中创造出合适的谐音双关并非易事,暂译为Spring Suffering,考虑到不是文学作品的翻译,也就不再给出解释了。
张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:张明权 中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)