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2. 美国人权纪录
human rights record of the US
The State Council Information Office published a report titled "Human Rights Record of the US in 2015" and a document titled "Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the US in 2015" on Thursday.
国务院新闻办发表上述两份文件,回应美国政府发布的"国别人权报告(country reports on human rights practices)"。"人权纪录"全文约1.2万字,分为导言(foreword)、公民权利(civil rights)、政治权利(political rights)、经济和社会权利(economic and social rights)、种族歧视(racial discrimination)、妇女和儿童权利(rights for women and children)、粗暴侵犯他国人权(gross violations of human rights in other countries)等部分。
美国枪支管理失控(the use of guns is out of control),公民生命权受到严重威胁(severely threaten citizens' right of life)。美国警察暴力执法(the excessive use of violence by police),公民人身安全无法保障(citizens' personal security can not be guaranteed)。美国监狱系统腐败丛生(the prison system is plagued by corruption),严重侵犯囚犯人权(severely violate inmates' human rights)。美国金钱政治和家族政治(money politics and clan politics)大行其道,公民政治权利难以得到有效保障(the political rights of the citizens are not safeguarded effectively)。美国社会问题(social problems)严重,保障公民经济和社会权利困难重重。美国种族矛盾尖锐(racial conflict is severe),种族关系处于近20年来最差时期(race relations at their worst in nearly two decades)。美国妇女状况不断恶化(the situation for American women is deteriorating),儿童成长环境堪忧(children are living in worrisome environment)。美国仍在公然粗暴侵犯他国人权(still brazenly and brutally violate human rights in other countries),视他国生命如草芥(treat citizens from other countries like dirt)。
大规模收集公民信息 collect bulk data on its citizens
政治贿赂 political bribery
民主虚伪性 hypocrisy in democracy
警察暴行 police brutality
职场歧视 workplace discrimination
校园枪击案 school shooting
平民伤亡 civilian casualty
滥用酷刑 abuse of cruel torture
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