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Do a number 造成伤害

2009-10-19 17:11

The sun did a number on my face. Did a number means that the sun did a lot of damage.

I'm down 我很乐意

2009-10-16 14:31

"I'm down,"means I would like to go along with that plan.


2009-10-15 14:49

BFF is an acronym that stands for "Best friend forever."

What's -her-face 她叫什么来着

2009-10-14 15:14

What's her face就相当于what's her name。

Goof around 不务正业

2009-10-13 17:37

Goof around是游手好闲,不务正业的意思。

Trash talk 说别人坏话

2009-10-12 16:20

trash talking就是说别人的坏话

Catch some zzzs 睡一觉

2009-10-10 11:15

"Z" is the last letter of the alphabet. But many people associate the sound of the letter "Z" ( makes sound zzzzzzzzz) with the sound of snoring.

Come clean 坦白承认

2009-10-09 12:37

To come clean about something is to admit to it,就是“坦白承认”。

Tips one's hand 露底牌

2009-09-25 15:39

When you tip your hand, it means that you give someone else secret information.

I wasn't born yesterday 我可不傻

2009-09-24 15:03

Saying someone was born yesterday, means that they are very easy to fool.

People person 善交际的人

2009-09-23 16:38

A people person is someone who is good around people and likes people.people person就是喜欢而且善于跟人交往的人。

Have a ball 玩得开心

2009-09-22 13:38

To have a ball means to have a lot of fun.To have a ball就是玩的非常开心











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