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The crystal ball is a globe made of crystal or glass which supposedly allows the fortune teller to tell a person’s past fate and future fortunes.
现行的《立法法》中只有49个较大的市才享有的地方立法权(local legislative power),修正案草案中拟将地方立法权扩大到全国282个设区的市。
失恋后的情感空窗期最是难熬,有人会在此伤心困顿之际,随便找一个异性来交往,以填补内心的空虚和麻醉自己。这时候的对象,就属于rebound guy/girl(备胎)。
日前北京警方一举打掉一个illegally selling resident permits for Beijing(非法倒卖进京落户指标)的犯罪团伙。这一团伙与企业人事部门勾结,向非京籍应届毕业生非法售卖“北京户口”。
It refers to one’s behaviors that are considered inappropriate, out of place and rude, causing embarrassment.
Chinese lawmakers are considering renaming the National Security Law, which may be amended with more provisions to combat espionage.
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn