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Beijing's traffic authorities will use motorbikes and helicopters as part of a series of measures to tackle heavy traffic in September.
“单方面行动”可以用unilateral action表示,也可以用solo action来表示,即“单独行动”,是相对于“联合行动”(joint action)而言的。
Miley Cyrus, a former childhood television star for Disney, has caused an uproar in the media this week.
Digital detox指一个人远离智能手机和电脑等电子设备的一段时间,以借此机会为自己减压或将关注点转移到真实世界的社交活动中,我们称之为“数字戒毒期”。
Two heads are better than one 直译是两个头脑比一个强,其实就是汉语里的人多智广或人多力量大的意思。 例句
“Fits and starts” is descriptive of an activity which is “intermittent, variable in intensity, and prolonged by interruptions”
Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi said on Thursday that it hired a top executive from Google in a bid to boost its overseas business.
“宽带中国”(Broadband China)战略就是用几年的时间对中国的网速进行“降价提速”(to speed up the network and lower the service fees)。
Clooney and Sandra Bullock star in Alfonso Cuaron movie "Gravity" which debuts at the festival
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