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Los Angeles Lakers NBA star Kobe Byrant gives out free basketballs to fans at a local community center in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen August 4, 2013.
一直被广泛关注的“告密者”斯诺登在俄罗斯机场中转区(transit zone)滞留数十日之后,俄罗斯政府终于同意为其提供庇护(grant asylum)。
The host of a Pakistani game show spoke this week about the importance of spreading love and giving gifts during the month of Ramadan.
To give someone some lip 的字面意思是给某人一些嘴唇,但实际表达的意思是顶嘴,出言不逊。
“空中流量管控”(air traffic control)指对每一条航路、每一个机场在同一时间内所容纳的飞机架数有一定限制,飞机彼此之间必须存在高度和距离差,以确保飞行安全。
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