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Seagull Manager(海鸥经理)指那种出现问题了才跟员工沟通的管理模式,管理者对于自己不太了解的事务匆忙做出决策,然后把烂摊子留给其他人来处理。
Last minute helper指所有事情都完成以后才出现,或者别人把所有事情都做完后才提出帮忙的人,我们称为“事后帮手”。
George H.W. Bush, the former US president and ex-envoy to China, took a turn for the worse and is in intensive care with a "stubborn fever.
The big-headed person tends to think himself as better, smarter and more important than he really is.
Working style就是“工作作风”,新一届中央领导集体提出八项要求包括精简会议、视察时减少交通管制,以及practice thrift(厉行节约)等。
Chinese shoppers are the top spenders across all three main shopping streets, including Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street.
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn