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I am boring, really means I make other people feel bored. May be I don't talk much or do not have any interesting topics to explore.
“White flag”是英国创作才女Dido2003年发行的第二张个人专辑“Life for Rent”中的主打力作。清新、舒畅、温柔彻骨。
There have been growing calls in India to name the victim. Politician Shashi Tharoor last week questioned the merit of keeping her anonymous.
全国研究生入学考试,这是qualifying examination / preliminary exam(初试),在过线之后才能参加secondary examination(复试)。
Visitors to Istanbul between now and early 2013 can savor China's rich history through two exhibitions.
“异地高考”就是外来务工人员子女在他们父母工作的城市sit college entrance exams(参加高考),也称为college matriculation policy。
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